Category: Entertainment

Funny sign in Singapore

Having lunch at a food court normally doesn’t cause you to giggle. But if you’re a Dutchman at the ION Food Court in Singapore there are plenty giggles to be had at the expense of Chinese business owners.

I just couldn’t help myself when I read the name of one restaurants name and just cracked up: Balestier Bak Kut Teh. Now if you’re not a Dutch speaker you won’t catch the Bak Kut reference which translates as “box of cunt”: not something to associate a restaurant with, but oh so sophomorishly funny.

Stephen Colbert Still Has A Wish

It’s been almost a month now and yet poor Stephen Colbert has still not seen his life long wish fulfilled: to have a presidential hotdog lunch.

He has gone to great lengths to make his heartfelt plea to president George W. Bush (as seen on the 2008-03-06 episode of the Colbert Report):

In his desperation poor Stephen has been repeating his plea to the president for every show!

Yet to no avail.
Please mister president heed Stephen’s call; make him the happiest man in the world!

President Bush, Have a Hotdog Lunch with Stephen Colbert!


Family Guy – Saving Private Brian

The wait was long (more than 6 weeks), but I finally got to see a shiny new episode of Family Guy.

In last sundays episode, Stewie signs himself and Brian into the army and get themselves shipped off to Iraq.

Meanwhile, Chris gets himself caught up in a rebellious phase when he joins a rock band.

Although both subjects could have made the show great, its these two that dragged it down. Both are so old and tired that nothing new and shocking could be done with.

I’m sad to say I was disappointed with this episode.

Please Seth McFarlane, make a better one next time!!

Prinsengrachtconcert 2006

Last saturday, I was in Amsterdam to attend the Prinsengrachtconcert.

This is a classical music concert held on an actual canal in the centre of Amsterdam. The atmosphere was fantastic, with lots of boats bunched up close together and many hundreds more people (there were some 1,500 in all) along the canal and on the bridges.

Prinsengracht06_02.jpg Prinsengracht06 Prinsengracht06

This year, the festival celibrated its 25th anniversary with theperformance of world-renowned pianist Lang Lang. He played extremelywell: there was such an amazing a mixture of ferrocity and gentleness and not tomention his incredible speed and accuracy. He just blew me away!

Portrait of Lang Lang

Earlierthat evening I also came across a rock band that was playing from ontop of their own 60’s Pontiac Bonneville cabrio. It turned out thatthey were playing for a wedding on. What a great location that was: onthe middle of a bridge over a canal in Amsterdam. Brilliant!


Sadly, I didn’t get a chance to find out the name of the band; they were rockin’!

Anyway, Lang Lang played the following:

  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Piano sonata KV 330, part 1
  • Nicolai Rimsky Korsakov: The flight of the bumble bee
  • Frededric Chopin: Nocturne in Des gr.t.
  • Franz Schubert: Marche Militaire, featuring Lucas Jussen (piano, 4 hands)
  • Franz Liszt: Liebestraum, S 541, number 3
  • ‘Horses’, arr. Lang Lang and Lang Guo-ren, featuring Lang Guo-ren on the erhu (video:quicktime 134kb)
  • Franz Liszt: Hungarian Raphsody, number 2 in cis kl.t. (arr. Horowitz) (video:quicktime 234kb)
  • Robert Schumann: Traumerei from Kinderszenen
  • Aan de Amsterdamse Grachten (video: quicktime 234kb)

Watch the Prinsengrachtconcert online! (controls in Dutch)

New 538 Dance Smash Hits CD – a Big Disappointment

Lately, I haven’t been following the popular house music scene as much as I’d like.

So when I recently came across the CD "Radio 538 Dance Smash Hits 2006.03". I thought I’d give it a go.

38_dance_smash_hits_2006_03 cd cover

After listening to the whole thing I realised I’d missed so frighteningly little. There was just so much crap on this compilation!

Songs like "From Paris to Berlin" should be banned. Eastern european 18 year-olds calling themselves "Infernal", trying to "sing" in English is just so far removed from cool.

There are a few tasteful tracks on the CD though, most worthy of mention is BobSinclar‘s "World, Hold On".

Sadly this CD has more sh** than hits on it.
What a shame.

The Fifth Element still rocks

I’ve just come back from me weekly movie with a big smile on my face(I often stay behind at work to watch movies on the company beamer witha few colleagues angel emoticon) .

We watched an old campy science fiction flic which I hadn’t seen in a long while: the Fifth Element.I had almost forgotten how much I loved the movie: it has great pace,comedy a dash of gratuitous violence but also romance and a moralcritique of where our society is heading.

more screencaps of the movie

In short, I was once again thoroughly entertained by this movie.

If you haven’t seen it: get thee to a video store now!

[see the trailer here (Quicktime)]